If you use credit card payment terms wisely, you can improve your credit card rating, and learn about credit card laws too.
After having used your card to purchase what you wanted, it is now time for you to start paying it off. Because charging your card is definitely easier than paying off a debt, it is important to know how to handle your payments and make the whole process more comfortable.
How To Pay Off A Balance
Approximately one-third of all cardholders are unable to pay off their balance on a monthly basis. In these cases, people might wonder why their balance doesn’t ever change or even grows in spite of their minimum monthly payments.
The reason behind this strange phenomenon is something credit card companies are eager to keep secret. What happens is that the minimum payment level typically corresponds to, or is in some cases even less than, the interest of your balance.
Therefore, in spite of these monthly payments, none of the money in reality is going to the principal. In other words, you’ll never settle your account at this particular rate level. Thus, here are some guidelines on how to pay off your balance.
First of all, put your card aside and use it again only in exceptional situations. If settling your account requires you to change your daily life, then make the necessary changes, as increasing charges will only dig you deeper into a terrible financial hole.
As mentioned above, to eliminate outstanding debts you should try to pay more than the minimum monthly payment. If possible, you could try to choose a lower rate card among the hundreds of applications you receive day after day. But keep in mind that this new card has only one purpose, and that is to get rid of your debts.
Payment Agreements
Applying for a credit also involves selecting from a variety of different payment contracts, such as the so-called revolving agreement. This widely accepted form of agreement means that you can either make monthly or just partial payments. When the balance is not paid off, a certain interest rate will be charged on your balance.
Besides this agreement, another option is the charge agreement, which requires you to settle your account fully every month, and the installment agreement, involving fixed monthly payments until the balance is totally repaid.
Credit Card Laws
The Fair Credit Reporting Act lays out the required obligations of Creditors in setting your payments, accepting your payments for proper credit, and any reporting of account activity to the Credit Bureaus. You should also view information on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act so you know your rights and obligations as a debtor.
Carefully choosing the credit card payment terms that best fit your needs is extremely important, as it will significantly influence your credit score.
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Top of Credit Card Payment Terms