Take a few minutes to decide which debt gets paid off first. Determine how much extra you can spare to apply to your bills on a monthly basis. Earmark larger payments to the higher interest accounts first. If you have several smaller accounts, with high interest rates, these are a great place to start. You […]
Debt Tips
Debt Negotiation Tips & Debt Settlement Fees
Debt negotiation time at hand? Our recommendation, when contacting your creditors, is to contact them via phone first. Keep in mind that some creditors will be less likely to negotiate a settlement if you are not behind in your payments. However, if they understand the depth of financial distress you are in, they may be willing […]
Debt Free Living
You can easily make debt free living (DFL) work for you by following the keys of moderation and control, no matter what lifestyle you live, or income you receive. control your impulses live moderately save religiously use credit wisely make short and long-term goals always budget give first, then receive Control Your Impulses Determine what […]
Debt Elimination Tip – Who’s Guilty? Me?
Consider using debt elimination tips to help improve your financial situation … after all, getting rid of your credit card debt works in your favor. These tips can help save you loads of time and guilt! When you are in over your head in debt, I think one of the hardest things to deal with […]
Debt Collection Tips To Take Control
Debt collection tips can help you negotiate and react from a position of power and control. You may think you have no power when the debt collector comes calling, but think again! Credit repair companies can actually help you increase your credit score. Creditors don’t like losing out on the ability to collect money owed them. […]
Debt Collection Statute of Limitations
Why should you check the Debt Collection Statute of Limitations (SOL) for your state? When creditors push for debt payoff and its been quite some time since you’ve made a payment, or charged something to the credit card, then it is worth taking the time to see if the SOL has expired on the debt. […]
Your Credit to Debt Ratio
Understanding the Credit to Debt Ratio can help you increase your credit score. You need to know what happens when closing credit card accounts and how that affects your FICO score as an important part of getting out of debt and improving your credit rating. One of the biggest fallacies I’ve seen perpetrated on the […]
Getting Credit Card Debt Help
If you don’t pay attention, you can run up a staggering amount of credit card debt very quickly. In order to avoid running up your debt load, follow these tips that are designed to keep credit card debt under control. Credit Card Debt Reduction Tips The first step to help you to eliminate credit card […]
Actionable Tips to Reduce Debt & Cut Expenses
Most of us are looking for tips to reduce debt. It seems to be a recurring theme in our lives. Maybe you can “afford” your debt but just want to be free of the burdensome responsibility. Or, maybe your budget has become so tight that you hardly have room to breathe. Whatever the reason, we […]
Does Debt Settlement Work?
Are you buried under a mountain of unpaid bills and asking, “Does debt settlement work?” The answer really depends on your financial situation. It can help deal with a lot of debt fairly quickly, but it won’t work for everyone. There are some important factors to consider before choosing this method. Type of Debt Only […]