When it comes to deciding how to create a system to get out of debt, there are steps you need to take to prioritize, create and maintain your household budgeting.
Instead of feeling lost, frustrated and confused, here are a few tips to help you to prioritize your debt and expenses to get the most bang for your buck.
- Create your budget including all income, bill payments, living expenses, etc. You can use our free printable household budget worksheets from our Money Management Planner, or budget software.
- Always include a regular payment to yourself as part of your budget for your savings/emergency fund, this is essential to your financial well being.
- Entertainment and allowances should not be eliminated from your budget, just keep them to a minimum so you can stay focused on reducing your debt but still enjoy life.
- Look very carefully at your budget to see where you can cut out the waste.
- If you have money left over, after item 1 is done, take 1/2 the extra and put in your emergency fund until you have $1,000 saved.
- Take the other half and pay extra on the first debt in your Prioritized Debt List.
- No cash? No buy! Don’t use your credit cards.
- Write everything down, track all your spending, insert it into the “actual” portion of your budget. You might be surprised to see where a tremendous amount of money is being wasted. This is money that could be used for debt repayment or savings, the priorities in your personal budget to get out of debt.
- If your personal budget shows you going deeper into the hole each month, and cutting the waste has been exhausted, then compare options to consolidate debts, to get you back onto the positive side of your personal budget.
- Once you payoff a debt, rollover the paid amount to the next debt in your prioritized debt list.
- Once you are out of debt, then you can increase payments to yourself, your savings, and your emergency fund.
The time and effort you invest now in your personal budget will reap major financial rewards in your future. However, if you don’t get into the habit of tracking your spending, you will slide back into the pattern of overspending that haunts you now.
And if you think you can get out of debt without tracking, you are in for a rude awakening … how can you cut waste if you don’t know where it is?We found some resources that make tracking your spending easy — so easy, you will wonder how you ever lived without it!
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