Are you suffering from poor credit scores? You’re in luck, because there are a number of proven methods to help you learn how to fix your credit fast.
The advertising industry really knows consumer psychology. Everywhere we turn, there are things vying for our money. Tantalizing things, deals that we just can’t pass up. So what if we don’t have any cash in the bank? We can use our plastic!
This is dangerous thinking, mainly because there will always be a new temptation on the horizon, and if we don’t curb our “gotta have it” mentality, things are going to get dicey. We will end up with lots and lots of bills to pay without a commensurate increase in income.
If this pattern continues, it doesn’t take long to fall behind on even just the minimum payment on our accounts. We resort to loans and offer our properties as securities. But, if we haven’t fixed our vulnerability to those attractive ads, we end up remiss with our loans as well, and we resort to new loans to pay off those which have become due and demandable.
This may sound extreme and pessimistic, but it’s not that far off from the spending patterns that put so many people into the hole. And even if they manage to turn things around, the long term damage remains in the form of a bad credit history. Then you end up seeking ways to repair your credit score.
Our credit history has a significant impact on our lives, beyond what may appear on the surface. For example:
- A good credit history makes it easier to obtain loans for a car, a house or other large items.
- A good credit history also helps minimize the interest rate for loans and credit card accounts.
- Many companies check a job applicant’s credit history to determine financial responsibility, so good credit history could help land that job you really want!
Your credit history suffers every time you are delinquent on payment of your bills or loan installments. In some cases, the situation can get to the point where repair is almost impossible. No matter how disastrous your credit history has become, however, it can be turned around. How quickly it takes to fix bad a bad credit score will depend on you.
Your credit history can’t be cleaned up overnight. It takes patience and discipline.
- First, you must create a realistic budget. Determine what you need for necessities and don’t cut corners here. Then allow some funds for non-necessities, but keep this amount down for the time being. This way, you make sure that your needs are covered, and you won’t feel like you are sacrificing your fun. This kind of budget is easier to stick to than the punitive kind that only allows expenditures on requirements and loan payments.
- Second, you must cut your spending. This may be easier said than done, and this is where the discipline comes into play. Your spending habit is not an incurable disease. It can be curtailed. You must decide to fix things and then stick to your decision.
- Third, try to secure a loan from family or friends if for some reason you find yourself in need of some extra cash. These transactions won’t show up on your credit history, so you won’t call attention to the addition of another creditor to your list. You might have to swallow your pride to do this, but remember that you need to get that credit history back on track.
- Fourth, open a bank account and keep funds in it at all times; most banks report to the credit bureaus; this will help build a good credit rating.
- Fifth, get your debt under control; keep payments current and whenever possible make extra payments on your debt. This will dramatically improve your credit rating over time.
- Sixth, don’t close accounts you have paid off; let them stay open but don’t use them. This improves your credit to debt ratio and is one of the fastest ways to rebuild your credit rating and FICO score, so this tip is key to quickly fix bad credit.
Fixing the things that turned your credit history into a disaster won’t be easy. But if you find yourself in such a situation, it’s really the only way to go.
Once you see a decent improvement in your credit score, make sure you negotiate lower interest rates on your loans and credit cards.
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