Going through credit card applications isn’t a minefield but there are a few things you need to know to find your way to easy credit cards.
How To Navigate The Application Process
Great, you found the 0% credit cards you were looking for! Now what?
What logically follows after having decided to obtain a card is to start the application process. Besides applying over the phone or by mail, customers can quite often make use of online application services. For each of these methods, there is some fundamental information that you need to take into consideration.
Applying Online
Before you actually apply for one particular card, make sure to carefully read all terms and base your final decision in relation to the conditions that are most appealing for you. Then, go to the appropriate web site to “Apply”. You should soon face the application form.
This will probably require you to enter information such as your driver’s license and social security number, as well as your date of birth and address. In addition, you will most likely have to provide details concerning aspects of your job, salary, banking history and other credit commitments, if any.
Then, the next step after having completed the application is to wait for the company’s approval. This time may vary according to the procedure followed by the issuer. While some organizations may send you an immediate answer, for some others it can take a week or two to make a final decision. Based on your credit history, companies will also determine a specific rate, which will be told to you either by e-mail, mail, or telephone.
Besides being a safe and sound procedure, applying online is faster as well since there is no need to wait for your letter to travel from place to place until it finally comes back to you.
Applying By Mail or In Person
One of the advantages of receiving hundreds of offers for cards by mail is the opportunity to carefully go through each of them before making your final choice without ever having to use your computer.
Each of these letters includes an application form that you can easily fill out and send back to the issuing company. The information you have to present with these applications is exactly the same as in the case of online applications. However, the approval process may take a bit longer, at least two weeks, as the conventional mail service is slower than the Internet.
Another alternative is to have a personal application carried out at your local bank branch. In this case, you will be interacting face-to-face with the bank’s employees, which means that the approval process might be shortened as the bank can quickly verify your history and credit score.
What to Watch Out For
If you get the offer by mail, and it doesn’t reference a website, then you need to apply by mail, but if they offer a phone number you can use that. If you find the right offer online, most institutions will offer special “internet only” access to the best credit card deals; in this case you will need to apply online.
Each of these processes is efficient so long as you are careful when picking the card that will best work for you. Remember that since every credit check will be indicated in your report, too many applications are considered a negative on your credit.
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