Understanding how your credit score can affect your path to credit repair, will help you make better financial decisions in the long run. To begin with, you may be wondering what a Beacon or FICO rating is, and how it is used by creditors to determine your credit worthiness. It is an industry standard for […]
Your Credit Score After Bankruptcy
Now that the worst is over, this is the time for you to overhaul your credit rating by developing good habits. Here’s what you are mostly likely to expect as you exit bankruptcy. Dangerous Credit Card Offers: Right after a bankruptcy filing, your credit will likely be weak. You’ll probably want to begin rebuilding credit […]
Credit Reports & Debt Management
You can learn how to evaluate your credit file for debt management. You can easily have access to your file, as well as information on how to read and evaluate your reports in general terms. Review the bureau coding to make sure you understand your credit, no one should know your credit better than you […]
Credit Reports For Employment
Find out why credit reports for employment are often conducted by companies and organizations before offering you a particular position or promotion. More and more companies are running credit checks on applicants, and this information is often an important factor when deciding who to hire. Many employers feel that your financial history is a good […]
Your credit history is your financial life!
Protect your credit history by getting your free annual credit reports, and following these simple identity theft protection tips. As we mentioned so many times before, your credit history is what will influence your entire financial life. It will determine your reliability as a potential customer for a credit company or institution. So, let’s take […]
Credit cards guaranteed?
Don’t believe everything you forgot to read.
Yes, you can find credit cards guaranteed approval, and in a lot of cases they will be issued; but what if they aren’t? What can you do when you need bad credit credit cards? Help! My Credit Card Application Was Denied After receiving hundreds of mails saying that your credit card application has been approved, […]
Credit Card Payment Terms
If you use credit card payment terms wisely, you can improve your credit card rating, and learn about credit card laws too. After having used your card to purchase what you wanted, it is now time for you to start paying it off. Because charging your card is definitely easier than paying off a debt, […]
Credit Card Numbers and What They Mean.
Security begins with understanding credit card numbers and what they mean for gas, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, American Express credit cards. All the numbers that appear on your credit card have a precise meaning and do not only specify its holder. Let’s examine these meanings. The majority of credit card companies use the same approach when […]
What To Do When Your Credit Card Is Lost Or Stolen.
Sadly enough, wallets and purses get stolen or lost quite frequently. So, what shall you do if your credit card is missing? You need to know to protect yourself from identity theft! As a matter of fact, all trustworthy credit companies have some sort of policy to protect you in cases of loss or theft. […]
Why Does A Credit Card Expire and How Do You Renew It?
Learn why a credit card expires, how to renew it and what to watch out for. In addition to a series of numbers, one element that characterizes your credit card is its expiration date. Let’s now consider why this date is to be taken really seriously, even though most of us do not even know […]