How to get a creditor to make the deal you want. Credit Card Debt Settlement Program Tip: Remember, you have a distinct advantage in negotiating debt settlements … you have what the creditor is after. Learn how to negotiate! Don’t collapse if their first answer is negative. Stay calm and relaxed. It may be best […]
Credit Card Debt Negotiation and Your Credit Report.
Credit card debt negotiation means it’s time to negotiate what happens to your credit report with the creditor. This is extremely important since a “paid” collection can be as bad to your credit rating as an “unpaid collection” if reported in a way that isn’t in your best interests. All your efforts and money will […]
Learn About Credit Card Debt Facts
Credit Card Debt Facts: According to NellieMae (a wholly owned subsidiary of SallieMae), the U. S. Consumer median credit card balance was $3,068 in the year 2000. Assuming an annual interest rate of 9%, and paying the minimum monthly payment on $3,000 of credit card debt, it could take you approximately 50 years, and result […]
Credit Card Debt Advice
Probably the best credit card debt advice is to use a strategy when repaying debts. Using the best debt reduction strategy can mean hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars in your favor. Make a list of all your debts, along with the balance and interest rate of each. You might need to hunt for this information, […]
Credit card applications process, finding your way to easy credit cards.
Going through credit card applications isn’t a minefield but there are a few things you need to know to find your way to easy credit cards. How To Navigate The Application Process Great, you found the 0% credit cards you were looking for! Now what? What logically follows after having decided to obtain a card […]
Finding Cheap Ways To Travel
There are many cheap ways to travel that will change your life on vacations. Each year, millions of individuals travel to various parts of the world for one reason or another. Travel can be quite expensive. Vacationing can be even more expensive! Here, you will be introduced to ten money-saving tips to change your life […]
Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Means Test Do You Qualify?
The bankruptcy Means Test determines if you must file Chapter 13 or are eligible for Chapter 7. You will be required to apply the test if you are considering filing. It will determine whether your income is low enough for you to qualify to file a Chapter 7. The means test is implemented to prevent […]
Can Bankruptcy Stop Foreclosure?
(and is this your best option?)
How can bankruptcy stop foreclosure? Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot on the evening news about sky-high foreclosure rates, and for good reason. … Did You Know … every 13 seconds another home enters foreclosure in this country, according to the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL)? nearly 1.2 million properties received foreclosure filings in the […]
Watch Out When You Buy or Lease a New Car
When deciding between a buy or lease new car, you should consider the pros and cons of each as either is a major financial investment. When determining whether to take out a loan or opt for a lease contract, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind: 1. Finance Amount: When you […]
Budgeting Tip … What You Can Do In A Money Emergency
Occasionally a great budgeting tip can evolve from practical experience. I received an email from a site visitor who shall remain anonymous. After replying to their email, I realized they weren’t the only one who might need the suggestions I offered to help them out in a serious money emergency. This email broke my heart, […]